Home Bridge Tavern - Portsmouth - 1
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The Bridge Tavern is in Old Portsmouth and is one of Mooch's favourite pubs when waiting for the Isle of Wight ferry.

The Bridge Tavern, Portsmouth in the dusk. (14-Mar-2010)
On the wall is a large mural of Thomas Rowlandson's Portsmouth Point.
The Bridge Tavern, Portsmouth in the dusk showing the mural of Thomas Rowlandson's Portsmouth Point, with the Spinaker Tower in the background.

The pub is just opposite one of the fish markets, so Mooch chose fish for his lunch. (18-Dec-2009)
Mooch monkey having fish for lunch at The Bridge Tavern, Portsmouth.

From here you can watch the small boats and the ferries. (18-Dec-2009)
The Bridge Tavern, Portsmouth, with fishing boats in the harbour.

Bonsai chooses an evening meal. (12-Mar-2010)
Bonsai monkey with food and beer at The Bridge Tavern, Portsmouth.

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