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The ss Great Britain was the first steam powered, iron hull, ocean liner. She was designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and had her maiden voyage in July 1845. She is now on display where she was built in Bristol harbour. There is a lot of information online about her including this: ss Great Britain at Wikipedia.
On the dockside and in a building next to the ss Great Britain are many exhibits relating to the ship,
its uses and the people who voyaged on her.

An anchor and a ship's boat on the dockside.  (27-Sep-2011)
Mooch monkey at ss Great Britain in Bristol - anchor and boat on dockside
This is a main mast and behind Mooch are the remains of the original rudder.  (27-Sep-2011)
Mooch monkey at ss Great Britain in Bristol - mast and rudder in exhibition area
Mooch is unsure, but this may be the original ship's bell within the exhibition building, and a replica displayed on the deck
of the ss Great Britain.  (27-Sep-2011 / 18-Sep-2013)
Mooch monkey at ss Great Britain in Bristol - ships bell Mooch monkey at ss Great Britain in Bristol - ship's bell on deck
Mooch tried to steer the ship on the simulator.  (18-Sep-2013)
Mooch monkey at ss Great Britain in Bristol - simulator display
Mooch, of course, had to try climbing the ropes and trying on the costumes in the exhibition.  (27-Sep-2011 / 18-Sep-2013)
Mooch monkey at ss Great Britain in Bristol - rope climbing Mooch monkey at ss Great Britain in Bristol - trying on a hat
On the dockside Mooch found lots of examples of cargo and passenger luggage.
He needed the toilet before boarding!  (27-Sep-2011 / 18-Sep-2013)
Mooch monkey at ss Great Britain in Bristol - dockside cargo barrels - harveys wine
Mooch monkey at ss Great Britain in Bristol - dockside passenger luggage
Mooch monkey at ss Great Britain in Bristol - dockside toilet
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