
Yorkshire Air Museum - Blackburn Buccaneer taxi video

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The Yorkshire Air Museum & Allied Air Forces Memorial is a large aircraft museum on the
Elvington WWII airfield near York. It has lots of exhibits and regularly has Thunder Days
when some aircraft are powered up.
Mooch had a quick visit and then Monty took granddad Bob on a Thunder Day. There are
a lot of exhibits both outside and within the hangars & other buildings.   (23-Apr-2014 / 03-Aug-2015)
Part of a short taxi-run of the Blackburn Buccaneer S2 (XN974) ending with wing folding, at the
Yorkshire Air Museum on the Elvington WWII airfield. Sorry about the shaky video, but it was a
handheld camera on a windy day with blasts from the jet exhaust deflected by the air-brakes!

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or see the video directly on YouTube here.
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03-Aug-2014..24-Feb-2015  © www.mooch.org.uk 2015 copyright www.mooch.org.uk 2015